Pieces of Career Advice that will get you to the Top

1. The very first thing on our list is to ensure to do what you love about animation. A career which you will enjoy doing and also a career where you are skilled will lead to job satisfaction. But yes not every job needs to mark your passion. Every job, every career is an opportunity to learn something new, to explore something different. Make sure you enjoy whatever you do. Keep your mind open, you never know you might end up into something that you enjoyed the most. 2. Do not overthink about your future. There are thousands of people out there who have ended up in a place they never thought they would work for. The initial step in degree is usually a mix of what you want and what you don't but yes professional development is not linear and having trust and dedication in what one wants to do always help in choosing the right career. Remember it's never easy in the beginning but if you survive, you are going to win. 3. Always behave like a professional. It helps to di...